10 Smart Goal Tips for Starting a Small Business Online

The best decision that I ever made was to start a small business online. It has given me a chance to work from home and earn extra income. Have you decided to try starting your own small business online?  Once you have a clear vision of where your future self wants to be, everything else falls into place. A journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step. Begin your journey by implementing the 10 goal setting tips for starting a small business online. Know where you are headed.



Set Your Goals

Analyze Your Business Goals

Let’s take a serious look at your business, website, and blogging goals. Where do you want to be one year from today?

What vision do you see as a result of spending time creating your dream? Why are you willing to spend your energy and time creating this business?  Who will receive value from your online work? What have you been doing so far, what is your old story, and what is your new story? As you begin to feed your mind with your reasons why and where you want to be the how will appear.

Take the online comeback challenge and make this year the year to get really serious, about creating a business. Plan to finish what you start and stay focused on your main niche. Build your content muscle.

Write your goals down.

I know you have heard this before, but have you done it? 

If so, has it worked for you?

Take a few minutes and think about the past goals that you have set for yourself.

Which ones have you achieved and why?

What was the magic formula that worked for you?

Create Daily Goal Reminders

Create Daily Goal Reminders

Engrave your goals where you will see them daily.

Your goals need to be seen, heard, and repeated in your mind daily. To accomplish this you need to put them somewhere that you will see throughout the day several times a day.

My favorite place to put these reminders is pop-ups that appear on my phone and my computer. You can even set Alexa to remind you throughout the day.

Use your smartphone to remind yourself of your goals. Enter your goals as reminders on your phone and set to go off several times a day. Link your favorite music with the reminders and you will have both a visual and audible reminder.

Enter reminders on your smartphone.

Create multiple reminders for when you wake up, after lunch, and before you go to sleep.

These reminders are short and sweet but they speak volumes:

  • I love working on my website.
  • It is time to create some content.
  • Each step I take brings rewards.
  • I am grateful for …….
  • Do a few stretches and get back to work.
  • Eat nutritious energy-producing foods.
  • I add value to the world by….

Take an action step now. Set up a reminder on your phone that says “I am going to ….. this year!” What techniques will you use to keep your goals fresh in your mind?

Never Give Up

Small Business Tips


If you fall down just get back up. How many tries did it take Thomas Edison to develop the light bulb? Hang in there – you can do it. Commit to never giving up. You may be tired or discouraged but don’t give up before you win. Find the strength to carry on. No one ever finished what they started by giving up. Why would you?

Read success blogs at Wealthy Affiliate Dashboard to see how other people have made their dreams come true. Remind yourself that it is worth the time you are spending. Follow in others’ footsteps.

To help keep your momentum going create a list of easy to accomplish tasks that you can do when you are feeling tired or short on time. Keep the list handy so that you always know the next step to take. This will give you a little momentum to keep on track.

Reward Your Self

Tips for starting a small business online

“All work and no playing creates burnout.” Learn to have fun and enjoy each step of the process. Give your self a pat on the back and a high five for spending time on your business. After putting in some time on your work give yourself a break and do something that you enjoy. You deserve it.

What is your reason for working hard and creating an online business?

You are not getting any younger. Spending time just making enough money and living paycheck to paycheck is painful.

Spending time making memories with my family and friends is the most important thing to me. Being creative and rewarded for my hard work is how I want to live my days.

Share Your Achievements

Share Your Achievements

Share your story with others. This is easy to accomplish with social media and within the WA Community.  Sometimes your family and friends do not understand what you are working towards so if that is the case use your online family to provide support and connection.

Learn New Things

Learn More About Starting a Small Business Online

Technology is changing at a rapid pace. To keep up with all of the changes we need to learn things daily. Think about what you need to learn and improve the most. Then seek an expert in that area and learn their tips and tricks. Learn from the experts. Join a group of like-minded people to help you learn and grow.

If you get stuck ask for help. I have learned most of my web creation knowledge from becoming a member of  Wealthy Affiliate. If one form of content isn’t working for you try another. Such as, create a YouTube video or do a podcast. Variety is the spice of life.

Plan Your Work

Plan Your Work

Write your ideas down. Plan time each week for working on your projects. Break things into small chunks of time so that they are manageable. Do your content creation first.

Avoid time distractors like web surfing and get back to web creation. One trick that I found that helps me limit my Netflix time is I set my timer for 30 minutes and allow that much time to veg out. When the timer rings, I go back to living the life that I want to live.

Stay on Task

Stay on Task


Use a timer for writing and taking breaks. Before you begin writing, set a timer for 45 minutes. Work on your articles and content until the timer goes off. Then get up and stretch and take some deep breaths. This will give you the energy that you need to complete your projects and prevent burnout. Remind yourself that it is easy to stay on track for 45 minutes. If you accomplish 45 minutes pat yourself on the back.

Analyze What Works

Analyze Your Business Goals

Not everything works when you are starting to build your website. It is a learning process. Some products will produce better than others. The key is to remember that you are building your content muscle. What this means is that you are getting stronger and smarter and will become more efficient as time goes by. If something just isn’t working ask for help and start in a new direction.


Rinse and Repeat

Rinse and Repeat

This is the most important tip to remember, rinse, and repeat. As you find success along the way, take note of what things are working and what is not working. Rinse and repeat the things that bring the most reward.

Steven Covey Quote

To learn more about starting your own small business online sign up now for a free trial (no credit card needed) at Wealthy Affiliate.  Albert Einstein said “Knowledge is Power”  take this opportunity to follow his advice.

Give it a try. Enter your future online business idea below and get started with a free website.

Leave a comment below as to where you want to be one year from today.

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